"Now may the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, that you
may abound in hope... Rom. 15:13

Friday, April 14, 2017

The Valley of Forgiveness

"If we confess our sins,
He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
I John 1:9 (NASB)

Collapsing at the Foot of the Cross
We've all been through
the Valley of Forgiveness, our first journey likely our most important one.
The walk down our personal road of pain, crawling up the stone-strewn hill, collapsing at the foot of the cross. Humbly raising our head. Feasting on the compassion in His eyes. Gazing at His purity and holiness−the unblemished Lamb of God.

Our need so great...His forgiveness even greater.

Maybe this first walk took years. Maybe it took only days.

The Valley of Forgiveness
But it's not the only time we'll travel through the Valley of Forgiveness.
Because we can't walk through life without being hurt, or without hurting someone else. And when that happens,
forgiveness is the road to healing. Long or short, this road awaits us, and if we do not travel it...
Our spirits weep
Our energy wanes
Our hope weakens

Worse, the harboring of an unforgiving spirit
disrupts our communing with the Lord.

No one is exempt from this need for forgiveness. Even David, the man after God's heart, walked many times through the Valley of Forgiveness. Psalm 51 reveals to us David's grief and grappling as he ponders his need and cries out for the great mercy of his Lord.

"Cleanse me from my sins." (v. 2)

"Create in me a clean heart." (v. 10)

"Do not cast me away from Thy presence." (v. 11)

"Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation." (v. 12)  

We should not be put off by a sojourn along this oft painful, but cleansing, restorative path. Rather, we should welcome it and rejoice that a remedy for life's hurts is available to us. A healing balm awaits, whether the injury be inflicted upon us, or by us.

Though there may a season of soul searching, or a period of suffering, the day will come when we are able to extend or request forgiveness. That act, that vital step of faith onto the Lord's masterful path to reconciled relationships, ultimately rockets our spirits from the valley floor to the mountain top. The exhilaration of resolution finds us lifting our arms to the heavens in thanksgiving for the strength and persistence to forge the Valley of Forgiveness.

Our Spirits Rejoice

Our spirits rejoice.
 Our energy soars.
Our hope strengthens.

How do you address the need to extend or receive forgiveness in your life?

Further Reading:
  • Matthew 18:21-22
  • Ephesians 4:32
  • Colossians 3:13
  • Psalm 51

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