"Now may the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, that you
may abound in hope... Rom. 15:13

Saturday, April 8, 2017

The Heart of God

Passion Week - Sunday

"And when He approached,
He saw the city..."
Luke 19:41
The crowds wave palm branches.
The crowds line the road.

Waving palm branches, paving the way with leafy fronds.

Spreading garments along the road as the Lord, seated upon a colt, makes His way to Jerusalem.

Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord;
Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" (Luke 19:38)

Every year on Palm Sunday, in our minds' eyes, we travel with the throng to Jerusalem. We envision the celebration, thrill with the adoration of the crowds. Shouts of praise enchant our ears and electrify our souls.

The Triumphal Entry - What a Day!


We missed it.

At least I did...again.

Did you?

Miss the Heart of God?

Perhaps we were distracted by the wonder of the crowd. Perhaps the "Hosannas" deafened our ears. Or perhaps we are not as familiar with Luke's telling of The Triumphal Entry, since he is the only gospel writer who shares this poignant snippet.
When He came closer to Jerusalem,
He began to weep.
"But as He came closer to Jerusalem and saw the city ahead,
He began to weep.
 'How I wish today that you of all people would understand the way to peace. But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from your eyes...'"
Luke 19: 41,42
Many of the people had followed Jesus from Bethany where He had in recent days raised Lazarus from the dead. Maybe they thought this man who heals and performs miracles would somehow make life better for them. Maybe they hoped He might actually be the Messiah, the One expected to overthrow Roman rule. Maybe they planned to crown Him as their new King.

Indeed, He did come to make life better for them, just not in the manner they imagined.

Jesus began to weep. He did not weep for the Via Dolorosa which He knew lay ahead. He did not weep for the insults that would assail Him. He did not weep in anticipation of the whip lashing or the crown of thorns that would press into his skull, or for the nails that would pierce His hands or the sword that would stab His side.

He wept for the people. He wept because the longing for situational peace blinded their eyes to the indescribably superior peace that awaited them−Peace with God. Forgiveness. Reconciliation. Redemption through the shedding of blood by this very Man they praised on the road to Jerusalem.

The Heart of God
That's the Heart of God.

Poured out on the road between the Mount of Olives and the city of Jerusalem.

Amidst greenery and garments and shouts of Hosannas.

Approaching the Via Dolorosa.

What do you treasure most about Palm Sunday?

Further Reading:
  • Matthew 21:1-11
  • Mark 11:1-10
  • John 12:12-19

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