"Now may the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, that you
may abound in hope... Rom. 15:13

Monday, March 6, 2017

Heavenly Hope

"In my Father's house there are many dwelling places...
I go to prepare a place for you."
John 14:2 (NASB)
Might We Cross a
Bridge into Heaven?
What a magnificent promise! What Hope radiates from our hearts when we drink in this glorious truth−God the Son is preparing our forever home.

We cling to Hope, the confident expectation that when our earthly bodies die, God will intervene, and just as Jesus was resurrected from the dead, so will we be resurrected for good purposes−to spend eternity with our Great God.

What do we know about this heavenly home?

Of most importance−God will be there in all His Glory. A new heaven and a new earth. The new Jerusalem, splendidly described by the apostle John while under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Our dwelling place will be there, though its design and function remains a mystery to us...for now. And let us not forget, heaven embraces a host of saints, from centuries past as well as those we loved in our lifetime.

The promise of what won't be there can brighten our souls on the darkest of days, like brilliant white stars scattered across the darkest night sky.

The Promise of Heaven
Brightens our Souls
  • No more tears
  • No more death
  • No more mourning
  • No more crying
  • No more pain
  • No evil

Our imaginations cannot wrap around such a majestic picture!

Yet, this eternal perspective and confidence in our God fills us with inexplicable Heavenly Hope that carries us through our most difficult challenges. The day-to-day grind doesn't deplete our joy. Life-threatening injuries or illness don't rob us of inner peace. Gravesites of beloved spouses, family members, or friends don't exhibit headstones engraved THE END, but instead, display the glorious words of life and hope−THE BEGINNING.

Heavenly Hope−another gift to us from our loving, compassionate God.   

Further Reading:

Revelation Ch. 21

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