"Now may the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, that you
may abound in hope... Rom. 15:13

Monday, February 27, 2017

HOPE - A Defining Moment

"For whatever was written in earlier times
was written for our instruction, that through
perseverance and the encouragement of the
Scriptures we might have hope."
Rom. 14:4 (NASB) 

Hope Radiates from
God to Us
What an awesome gift our Father has bestowed upon His children. Uplifting and life-giving, radiating from God to us, Hope warms and comforts our souls, simply because it makes us feel so...Hopeful.

This Hope has the power to determine whether our day shines like a summer sun, or in its absence, looms with doomsday clouds. It infuses us with strength in our spirits and encourages us to not give up when we face a season of suffering.

Hope Sustains Us When
We Climb Treacherous Mountains

Hope sustains us when our challenges feel like a tedious hike up a most treacherous mountain, or a perilous swim across raging waters.


Christian scholars define this Hope as "confident expectation that God will intervene in our lives for good purposes."
What wonderful words to embrace−
"confident expectation"
"God will intervene in our lives"
"for good purposes"

How freeing to know that this hope finds its root in God, not in ourselves, and not in another person. We don't have to conjure it up or draw on someone else's hope to get us through a tough day or a prolonged trial.
Where do we find this glorious gift? It salts the pages of Scripture.

The Spirit Infuses Us
With Hope
How do we receive God's hope into the depths of our beings?

When we read and meditate upon His Word, the Spirit infuses us with overwhelming "filling-our-heart" hope every day we walk on this earth.

What great motivation to begin our day in His Word!


Further Reading:
  • Rom. 15:13
  • Phil. 4:19
  • Lam. 3:22, 23

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