"Now may the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, that you
may abound in hope... Rom. 15:13

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


Good News for All People

"I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people...

And His Name will be the hope for all the world..."
Luke 2: 10 ; Matt. 12:21 (NLT)
Jesus left the beauty and majesty of heaven to bring us hope.

Those of us who have experienced such hope know it's a wonderful thing we don't want to lose. We've grappled with how to explain it to family and friends, more often than not ending with a statement like, "I feel it in here," as we gently pat that tender place over our hearts.

We also know that clinging to hope won't necessarily change our circumstances, at least not in the next ten minutes or twenty-four hours, and maybe not for a very long time to come.

Strained relationships, demanding bosses, unpaid bills, cancer, and death will still plague our doorsteps. Differing ethnicities and people groups will still clash with words and fists, and too often, guns.

Hurricanes will still flood our streets and little or no rain will foster drought conditions. Tornados will still wreak havoc in our neighborhoods and buildings will crumble when the earth shakes.  

Some nations will suffer war while others suffer poverty. Many will endure both.

But hope in our hearts - Jesus in our hearts - breathes an eternal perspective into the challenges we face every day.

  • Hope chases away our anxiousness and despair and infuses us with peace and joy.
  • Hope helps us hear God's voice of encouragement.
  • Hope gives us courage to act when He directs us to do so.
  • Hope gives us patience to wait for God's intercession.

The Giver of Hope has come.

What better news could we bring to the world?

Further Reading:
  • Isaiah 7:14
  • Isaiah 9:2, 6-7
  • Isaiah 11:10
  • Luke 2:10-1
  • Rom. 15:12
How do you use the headlines to open a conversation
about the Hope we have in Jesus?
Please join the conversation by leaving your comments below.
May God's hope fill your
heart with peace and joy!

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