"Now may the God of hope fill you with
all joy and peace in believing, that you
may abound in hope... Rom. 15:13

Monday, July 17, 2017

At Our Fingertips

"Treasure my commandments within you...
write them on the tablet of your heart."
Psalm 119:105

Google It!
Fingertip Living - It's the way of the world.

Have a question? "Google It" and a selection of site choices appears.

Hungry? Press the keypad on the microwave: freezer to table top in six minutes.

Need to call home? Touch a button and the phone speed-dials a tune to connect us.

But what does fingertip living have to do with Hope?

Hope, too, is at our fingertips.

Hope-robbing Stress
Tough days can drain Hope faster than the kitchen sink drains dirty dishwater.

Maybe it's short-lived tensions like dawdling children, bumper-to-bumper traffic, or cranky bosses eating away at our Hope for an easy day.

Or maybe our Hope-robbing stress lingers day after day, month after month: A broken marriage. Aging parents. A Prodigal son or daughter. Mounting bills. 

It's not uncommon to run short of hope. Even the most hopeful people sometimes open the cupboard and find it bare of spirit-sustaining Hope. Oh that challenging days could find us driving to the market to fill our buggies with life-giving Hope! We'd hurry home to devour a bowl of Hope, and then wonder of wonders, we're restored!

Unfortunately, Hope isn't found on the grocery store shelf.

But the good news is...
Hope can be found wherever we may be.

A Scripture pops into our minds. Maybe we had memorized it because it touched our hearts at some time in the past. Maybe it flowed from the recesses of our brain to the forefront, a verse we heard somewhere along our journey. At home, at work, in the car, at the mall, at the movies, at a baseball game, at a bedside or grave side, the top of the mountain or the lowest of valleys−The Lord uses His Word to stir Hope in hope-starved hearts.

Hope at our Fingertips

Sometimes our need for Hope arises when we can slip away to a quiet place. We pick up our Bible, finger the pages until we land on a favorite passage. Our fingertips skim the lines until that perfect verse jumps off the page and inflames our hearts.

We cling to that scripture. Write it down. Hang it on the visor of the car. The refrigerator. The bathroom mirror. Until it sinks into the depths of our souls.

Hope at our fingertips.

Because our merciful, compassionate Father
does not want us to be without it.

What scriptures restore Hope to your heart?

Further Reading: 
  • Psalm 111:4
  • Psalm 145:17-19
  • Proverbs 7:1,3

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